Dream Big! 3rd Annual Fundraiser Benefiting the Dream Center of Baldwin County
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDTLocation
Tickets are $125 each and may be purchased here: https://events.eventgroove.com/event/Dream-Big-3rd-Annual-Dinner-Silent-Auction-97833
Early Bird tickets are available for $115 each through August 15, 2024Contact Information
Katy Reagan-Bailey
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Join us for our biggest fundraising event of the year!
This event is always an evening of food, fun, and fellowship for a great cause and this year, we are excited to be in a new venue at the Foley Civic Center! Come enjoy a delicious 3 course meal, dancing and cocktail hour (all drinks included with ticket purchase,) a silent auction, and special guest speakers, Assistant District Attorney, Teresa Heinz and Foley Mayor, Ralph Hellmich.
Meet Dream Center participants as they serve at this event and see first-hand how the Dream Center program is changing lives in Baldwin County. Bid on trips, baskets, and other fabulous goods and services at our annual Silent Auction. Purchase raffle tickets for an amazing giveaway, and most importantly, learn how you can make a difference in the lives of underserved kids in our community! This event is limited to 250 attendees so snag your tickets now! And thank you for supporting the critical work of The Dream Center of Baldwin County. We can not make a difference without you!
Note: Early Bird Tix available until August 15th - save $10 per ticket!
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