Coastal Hand Therapy
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
M/W 9-5
T/TH 8-4
Fri 8-12Driving Directions:
We are located between Portabella/Foley Fish company building and Papa Smoke. We are directly across the street from the Landmark building in downtown Foley.
About Us
We are Occupational Therapists who specialize in upper extremity outpatient orthopedic therapy from the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand following injury or surgery.
Rep/Contact Info
Amanda DixonTell a Friend
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Mar 14Orange Beach InvasionMar 14Volley & GrooveMar 14Live Music at Bar45!Mar 14FREE TRIVIA every FridayMar 15One Year Anniversary!Mar 17Volley & GrooveMar 18Volley & GrooveMar 18BINGO with MarikaMar 19Volley & GrooveMar 19Music BingoMar 20Volley & GrooveMar 14Orange Beach InvasionMar 14Volley & GrooveMar 14Live Music at Bar45!Mar 14FREE TRIVIA every FridayMar 15One Year Anniversary!Mar 17Volley & GrooveMar 18Volley & GrooveMar 18BINGO with MarikaMar 19Volley & GrooveMar 19Music BingoMar 20Volley & Groove